MWKO Rules |
1st Offense |
2nd Offense |
3rd Offense |
Swearing - Using aggression or violent conduct towards any user or staff. |
Muted for 24 hours. |
3 Day Ban |
Banned Permanently |
Pretending to be staff. |
Banned Permanently |
NP Transfer |
NP Reduced to 0 |
Banned Permanently |
Accessing an account that is not yours (does not refer to sharing). |
IP Banned |
Advertising another server or website. |
Banned Permanently |
IP Banned |
Fraudulent Payments - Chargeback, etc. |
Banned Permanently. |
Bug Abusing - Editing the client for personal gain visually! |
3 Day Ban |
Banned Permanently |
Selling characters in-game or on MostWantedKO Forum (sell on your own on different forums, like gamers4life or ko-cuce) |
Banned Permanently. |
3rd Party Tools - KOXP, Wall hacking, speed hacking, etc. |
Banned Permanently. |
Lying about items or trying to be fraudulent about items to make a gain. |
Banned Permanently. |